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Aug 12, 2019

Corine Jansen has been Chief Listening Officer for different organizations in the Netherlands and has experienced the value of listening. She says, "We often make the mistake that we think listening costs a lot of time. But listening is creating an encounter and that encounter is made in a few seconds."

Corine Jansen is a Certified Listening Professional and Certified Practitioner of ECHO Listening Intelligence.  She is specialized in opening conversations with people who have a broad, non-directive invitation to speak. She is currently the founder and Chief Listening Officer of JoConnect, and the co-initiator of Nederland Luistert (Netherland Listens).

This is part two of the interview. Corine shares very practical ideas on how leaders and doctors can listen with impact in just a short period of time. And even better, how there were lasting effects on business outcomes. If you haven't listened to part one yet, check it out and be inspired by Corine's personal story. She shares about how listening for survival as a young person changed to listening for transformation in organizations. 

Enjoy listening in. 


“Listening is creating an encounter. And creating an encounter is sometimes not just holding hands or making eye contact. It's a matter of interest and respect for the person in front of you.”

– Corine Jansen



00:00 – How the secondary purpose of listening of Corine made more impact

02:43 – Great advice on listening in the healthcare field

07:28 – What physicians need to know when talking to patients during appointments

11:17 – Corine tells a lovely story depicting narrative medicine and how it can be helpful to change the way we treat patients

14:59 – How narrative medicine helps in the healing

17:03 – She explains how she works with medical teams and how listening can also be fun and light

25:38 – A golden nugget of advice from Corine – “Listening in dialogue is listening more to meanings than to words.”


Key Takeaways:

We can all experience what listening means to us and what it will bring us. It makes people feel valued and respected.” – Corine Jansen

“Don't interrupt after 12 or 18 seconds, instead let them talk for two minutes because in those two minutes you will hear much more....” – Corine Jansen

“Listening is about being there, being present for the other. It will become very difficult being present with another person if you don't want to change YOUR perspective on things.” – Corine Jansen

“Listening in dialogue is listening more to meanings than to words.” – Corine Jansen


Resources Mentioned:


Connect with Corine Jansen


Connect with Raquel Ark