Oct 13, 2022
Listen in podcast has reached a milestone, and we're celebrating!
You're in for a treat, of course. You’ve heard Raquel mention her son, Luke, often in the interviews. How about Luke interviewing his mother, Raquel, for a change?
The tables are turned, and Raquel becomes the interviewee.
Get an inside look at Raquel's journey into podcasting. She candidly answers her son's (Luke) questions, revealing the reasons why she decided to start a podcast, the change it made in her, and the realizations it led her guests to, even when they are experts in their fields. And what it has brought to her listeners' lives.
Also, we get to see what a kind-hearted and friendly-natured human she is, striking up warm conversations with strangers wherever she goes as if it’s second nature to her.
As part of this 50th episode, Raquel also shares a few changes to the show's format you can expect moving forward.
Join the fun and enjoy a lighthearted mother-son banter unveiling this warmhearted, playful mother-son dynamic as Luke puts his mom in the spotlight.
"What matters to me most, is my way to try to have some impact in the world in a positive way." - Raquel Ark
Listen IN Notes:
01:50 - Celebrating the 50th episode with a new podcast show title and with a surprise guest interviewer this time
04:31 - The reason behind her getting into podcasting and how many years since she first started to think about podcasting.
05:20 - What she considers her favorite moments in her podcasting journey: My favorite moments are when I am interviewing the guests. And they are surprised by the question.
06:38 - Does she even prepare before the podcast: I have to prepare myself mentally, so I'm really there. And that's the most important part at that moment of the interview.
07:03 - Raquel’s dream guests: I would love to interview Brene Brown down the road. It doesn't only have to be famous people; I love interviewing people who put this listening thing into practice, not just talking about it.
08:27 - How podcasting changes her: I think my interviewing skills have gotten better over time. And I learn something from every single person.
09:24 - What she hopes from listeners of her podcast: That it really opens people's minds to what listening is, what's possible with listening, and the potential of listening.
10:44 - The thing that matters most to her about having the podcast: This is my way to try to have some impact in the world in a positive way.
11:44 - Best feedback she has gotten: I get emails from different people who just point out what made a difference for them.
13:00 - Improvement she sees over the past years with the podcast: I got better with some of the questions even though I'm not really strict with time, I try to stick to 40 minutes.
13:30 - What to expect from the new podcast format: I want to shorten the introduction. I want to keep having these deep conversations. And I've also thought about adding shorter podcasts every so often where I'm answering questions I get from people.
14:22 - Reason to celebrate her podcast show: Only 30% of podcasts make it past six or seven episodes. The fact that this podcast is more than three years is a very big deal.
15:24 - What she's proud about: If I look at my guests and listeners, I have people from all over the world, all different cultures, different places.
18:10 - Raquel asking Luke for a possible guest appearance together with his friends, which topic they would discuss, and guests suggestions.
Key Takeaways:
"What I love is when the guests come as experts, but they discover something new." - Raquel Ark
[on bringing on guest] "It doesn't only have to be famous people. I actually love interviewing people who are just pioneering things and trying new things or doing things differently or thinking for themselves and seeing how they are really putting this listening thing into practice… not just talking about it." - Raquel Ark
[the impact of Listen In on Raquel ] "I use what I learn in my work or refer my podcast to people I coach or my students. Every guest I've had has influenced me in some way that has helped me improve at what I do. And sometimes better at listening as a mom, even though I know, I'm still struggling at that." - Raquel Ark
"I hope it inspires people to try (listening) out in a playful way, in new ways at work and home. And to know that we have new ways we can try every day." - Raquel Ark
"I love the feedback that comes from people where they said…this is something I'm going to try out, or I did try it out and it really made a difference." - Raquel Ark
"This podcast, even though it is very niche; I'm in the top 10%." - Raquel Ark
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